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Pointless Relationship

Pointless Relationship

Lately, it seems she keeps hitting him over the head with one word, "When?"
Should they, go left or right or maybe high or low, why can't he pretend?
That things will stay the same and he can just keep on...

Chillin' out and sleepin'
in on monday's
has she been wasting all her time,
cos he's so not into waking up and working nine to five all week,
the kids the house the dog and the SUV, will they ever agree?

Sometimes she wonders if they're gonna ever
live up to who they could be,
the real world is heading for them like a high speed train and,
he's not ready, he wants to stay the same,
so, he can just keep on...

Chillin' out and sleepin' in on mondays
has she been wasting all her time?
cos he's so not into waking up and working nine to five all week,
the kids the house the dog and the SUV, will they ever agree?

She really doesn't know where they stand,
find a compromise or she'll walk away.
he really loves her but then again,
he wants it to stay the same.

She really wants a change but he wants to keep on...

Chillin' out and sleepin' in on mondays
has she been wasting all her time? (Yeah)
cos he's so not into waking up and working nine to five all week,
the kids the house the dog and the SUV, will they ever agree?

Chillin' out and sleepin' in on mondays
has she been wasting all her time?
cos he's so not into waking up and working nine to five all week,
the kids the house the dog and the SUV, will they ever agree?

To celebrate this amazing score for 'Pointless Relationship' and to say thanks to the fans who have thrown their support her way, Tammin will be hitting the road for a series of instore appearances around the nation - make sure you get along and say hi!!

Tammin Sursok Instore Appearances: