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This place ain't where I thought I'd be
I'm trapped in
I need fresh air
When's the last time that you
Said that you care
Just a simple thing like that
Did you forget and just freeze over
Rewinde back when we first met
You were such an emotional man
What happened to that
So sure I'd be always there
You somehow let the feelin' drift away

But this heart
This Mind
Needs to be treated alittle more Tender
lifes not remote control
I need to get treated a little more Tender

You could've consumned
A kindda don't feel nothing
But I'm beautful
Can't you give back something
Anything at all
I'm still here I'm waiting
for you to notice
And remember

But this heart
This Mind
Needs to be treated alittle more Tender
lifes not remote control
I need to get treated a little more Tender

To complecated baby
Cause I ain't askin' for much
Just for you to leave me breathless
And move me sometimes
Anytime cause I can hang around
owwwwwwwwww owwwwwwww
I need a little more now

But this heart
This Mind
Needs to be treated alittle more Tender
lifes not remote control
I need to get treated a little more Tender

But this heart
This Mind
Needs to be treated alittle more Tender
lifes not remote control
I need to get treated a little more Tender